Blogging, Tips and advice

How to update an old blog post

One of my suggestions for helping you to maintain a constant turnover of regular blogs is to look at updating an old blog. When you have been blogging for a couple of years or so, you can forget about all of the wonderful content you have just sat on your website waiting to be repurposed.… Continue reading How to update an old blog post


5 ways to improve your blog post

Whether you have more time on your hands or less, writing a blog post is a great way to add something new to your website. It is a great SEO tool and can offer extra value to your clients. However, do you sometimes feel like it's not quite finished or wish you could have an… Continue reading 5 ways to improve your blog post

Blogging, Hurdles to Blogging

Hurdles to blogging #16 – Blogging means giving away too much for free

It is a common concern that small business owners think that when writing a blog, telling people about their work or products and, especially, services, they will risk sales. They worry that people will not need to buy from them, that they will give too much away for free or worse that competitors will copy… Continue reading Hurdles to blogging #16 – Blogging means giving away too much for free

Blogging, Writing for Business

Why is blogging good for business?

10 reasons why... I could have written a lot more than 10...but I've put in the ones I think are most important and will resonate with small business owners. Blogging is time consuming and it is a commitment, but really had a lot of advantages and can be a keystone of your digital marketing strategy...and… Continue reading Why is blogging good for business?

Blogging, Hurdles to Blogging

Hurdles to Blogging #15 – “I want to blog but never get round to it!”

I agonised for ages about the title of this is primarily about purpose. I speak to so many people who say that they would like to blog but it just never reaches the top of their 'To do list' is never a priority. You might find this a surprise, given what I do, but… Continue reading Hurdles to Blogging #15 – “I want to blog but never get round to it!”


Some blog topic inspiration…

Hands up...who is struggling with their blog content? Who is struggling to come up with ideas? Who isn't sure what to write about next? Oh, it is one of the joys of the 'content treadmill'! However, the favourite bit of my job is coming up with ideas. I love inspiring people to get excited about… Continue reading Some blog topic inspiration…

Blogging, Hurdles to Blogging

Hurdles to Blogging #14 – I don’t get why I need categories!

I am back with another addition to my Hurdles to Blogging series - find them, amongst others, in the Blogging Category section of my website. I am amazed at the amount of bloggers who don't take advantage of the function of categories. Firstly, let me assure you that categories are your best friend when it… Continue reading Hurdles to Blogging #14 – I don’t get why I need categories!

Blogging, Tips and advice

Can reading other blogs makes you a better blogger?

There is a really short answer to this question - yes! Or the slightly longer answer - absolutely! I love to read (unsurprisingly!) and just like the oft repeated tips for becoming a better author, should you wish to write your own book, the best way to become a better writer is to read more.… Continue reading Can reading other blogs makes you a better blogger?

Blogging, Tips and advice

3 Ways To Get Your Blog Noticed

It breaks my heart when I hear about the amount of people that are blogging but I don't know anything about it. I speak to small business owners and I hear about how they have been blogging for months, but even though I follow their social media accounts and subscribe to their email marketing...I still… Continue reading 3 Ways To Get Your Blog Noticed

Blogging, Introductions

Failing miserably…but doing something about it

I have to admit that I am failing miserably with my blogging over this last month! I talk a lot to my clients about having 'back up' blog post; about planning your time; scheduling writing time and about consistently publishing blogs with regularity. And what have I done? ...well, none of what I preach. I… Continue reading Failing miserably…but doing something about it